Mompreneur jumps into the ‘Shark Tank’

It all started with a 4 a.m. email nearly a year ago: “Do you think a baby bib could change the world? I do...”

Then Susie Taylor included a link to her website,, and off it went to Shark Tank, the popular ABC television show where entrepreneurs pitch their companies to investors on the show — and by extension, 7 million viewers.

Four months later, as the “mompreneur” was leaving her Biscayne Park home to pick up her kids from school, she got a call from the show asking her to pitch on the spot. Driving with her phone on her shoulder, she told the Bibbitec story.

Shark Tank bit. After a few more back and forths, her segment was filmed last summer.

Friday night, Taylor is scheduled to be on the show pitching Bibbitec’s main product, “The Ultimate Bib,” a patented generously sized, stain-resistant and fast-drying child’s bib made in the USA — Hialeah, to be exact. Bibbitec’s $30 bib can be a burp cloth, changing pad, breast feeding shield, full body bib, place mat, art smock and more, Taylor says.

We won’t be getting any details on what happens Friday night when she and her husband, Stephen Taylor, get into the tank with Daymond John, Mark Cuban and the other celebrity sharks; Taylor has been contractually sworn to secrecy. But whatever the outcome, she believes it will be worth it for the marketing pop.

Taylor was inspired to create her bib after a long and very messy plane ride with her two young sons and started Bibbitec in 2008. She and her team — her husband is CFO, her sister, Heather McCabe, handles sales and marketing, her uncle, Richard Page, is in charge of production, and her aunt, Marcia Kreitman, advises on design — have expanded the line to include The Ultimate Smock for older children and the Ultimate Mini for babies. Coming soon: a smock for adults.

Taylor already got a taste of what a national TV show appearance can do for sales. In September, Bibbitec’s sales jumped 40 percent after she was on an ABC World News "Made in America" segment. “Within 30 seconds, we started getting sales from all over the country and they didn’t even mention our name on the air,” Taylor says. She said that confirmed her belief that a Shark Tank appearance would be worth it.

Plus, Taylor has been hooked on Shark Tank since the first time she watched it in 2008 as she was developing her product. Trained in theater, she admits she didn’t know much about business and learned from the show. She would practice how she would answer the questions.

“I’m all about empowering women who are sitting on the couch watching, because that’s what I was four years ago,” says Taylor. “All I wanted to do was to be on Shark Tank because I believed if I got on Shark Tank the world will see what I am trying to do and that’s all I need. I know it’s a great product.”

Will that theater training come in handy Friday night? Stay tuned. Shark Tank airs at 9 p.m. on ABC and Taylor hopes viewers will join in on Twitter using the hashtag #sharkbib.

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Miami police officer charged with sexual battery and kidnapping

On the same day it announced the firing of an officer for shooting an unarmed motorist, Miami police said on Wednesday a second officer has been arrested and charged with armed kidnapping and sexual battery.

Police said detectives from the Internal Affairs Section culminated an investigation by arresting Officer Luis Hernandez, 27, a seven-year member of the department, on a warrant issued by a Miami-Dade judge.

According to the warrant, Hernandez is being charged with one count of armed kidnapping and one count of armed sexual battery by a law enforcement officer.

No details were released on the attack.

But Miami Herald newspartner CBS4 has learned the incident occurred in 2010 when Hernandez was transporting a woman who had been arrested after getting into a bar fight with a co-worker. The woman is undocumented. After being processed, Hernandez was transporting the woman to jail. Enroute, Hernandez is accused of stopping his cruiser and sexually assaulting the woman, who reported the attack.

Hernandez is being held without bond.

Earlier Wednesday, the department fired Officer Reynaldo Goyos for the shooting to death of unarmed motorist Travis McNeil two years ago.

This story will be updated as more details become available.

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TSX closes lower as RIM, Fed decision weigh

TORONTO (Reuters) – Canada’s main stock index closed lower on Wednesday, hurt by a fall in Research In Motion Ltd after it released its long-awaited BlackBerry 10 devices, and broad market weakness after the U.S. Federal Reserve decided to leave its stimulus program intact.

The Toronto Stock Exchange‘s S&P/TSX composite index <.gsptse> closed 36.12 points, or 0.28 percent, lower at 12,794.44. Nine of the 10 main sectors on the index declined.</.gsptse>

(Reporting by John Tilak; Editing by Peter Galloway)

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After the crash, Manhattan home prices still sky high

Even after the economic crash, you still can’t afford to buy a home in Manhattan.

The average sale price of apartments of all types soared 66 percent in the past decade, from $850,340 in 2003 to $1,417,080 last year, a new Douglas Elliman study found.

It was actually worse back in 2008 when the economy was tanking — and the average sales price was just under $1.6 million.

The average rose a paltry 0.7 percent last year but get ready for a jump because there’s so little housing on the market.

“Inventory is at or near record lows in most neighborhoods,” said analyst Jonathan Miller, who prepared the report. “It’s a national phenomenon as tight credit continues to keep sellers, who don’t qualify as buyers, from listing their properties.”

Lois Weiss

Condos in Battery Park City went up 10.7 percent per square foot last year.

As a result, the listing inventory plunged 34.2 percent to the lowest level in 12 years.

“The upward pressure on housing prices starts now,” Miller said.

Average prices for condos and co-ops are 12 percent from the 2008 peak. And townhouses are down a stunning 25 percent.

Bust since 2009 the Manjattan real estate market has become much less volatile.

The number of sales increased by a modest 3.4 percent to 10,508 last year, compared with 10,161 in 2011, 10,060 in 2010 — and only 7,430 in 2009.

“For the past three years Manhattan has shown remarkable stability in terms of sales and prices, making it one of the best performing housing markets in the US,” Miller, of Miller Samuel Inc., said/

But there’s a lot of fluctuation from neighborhood to neighborhood in sales prices, the study found.

For example, condos in Battery Park City went up 10.7 percent per square foot last year and co-cops in Greenwich Village soared 9.8 percent.

But co-ops in Lincoln Center fell 10.1 percent per square foot, thanks to an addition of new units. Co-ops on East End Avenue dropped 18 percent.

“We often think of Manhattan as a single market when in fact it is a collection of different neighborhoods and price points that have behaved differently over the decade,” Miller said.

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Cruise industry group announces additional expansion, marketing initiatives

The newly expanded Cruise Lines International Association on Wednesday announced even more global growth as well as fresh promotional tools.

At a press conference in New York City, Christine Duffy, the trade group’s president and CEO, said the number of people who cruised globally last year is estimated at 20.3 million. That number is expected to reach almost 21 million in 2013.

Duffy said CLIA has launched a new YouTube channel called Cruise Industry TV, which focuses on new destinations, ships, tips about cruising and other information about the industry. It is not open for consumers to post videos.

The association has also started a public relations campaign called Cruise Forward, which has a presence on Facebook. The goal is to highlight positive cruise line initiatives, including innovations to help protect the environment, investment in port infrastructures and destinations, charitable activities and the economic impact of cruising.

“We think that this is a very important and exciting way to tell the story of this global industry and its commitment and the work it does in communities that we serve,” Duffy said.

In a separate announcement on Wednesday, CLIA announced the addition of a new cruise group in Europe. In mid-December, the association said it would merge with other industry groups around the world to become one giant organization. The Dutch Cruise Council, with 16 member lines, recently agreed to join and will be called CLIA Netherlands. The association is also developing a German cruise council to be called CLIA Germany and councils in Italy and Spain.

The expanded CLIA now has 55 member cruise lines, more than twice as many as the 26 it represented in 2012. The latest, European operator Tauck River Cruises, joined earlier this month.

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After a testy discussion, the board of the Jackson Health System approved by a vote of 4-2 a global agreement intended to resolve several major tensions between management and SEIU Local 1991.

The deal now goes to the Miami-Dade Board of County of Commissioners for final approval.

The agreement, reached earlier this month, means management will stop exploring outsourcing physician and some other services in the Jackson Memorial adult ER., but might still explore getting outsiders to provide pediatric services at Jackson Memorial as well as all ER services at Jackson North and South.

Other parts of the agreement involved Jackson nurses’ shift schedules and leave time. Some nurses who had been reduced to part-time will get their full-time status back.

At its Monday board meeting, Chair Marcos Lapciuc called the deal “fair and balanced” that resolved many problems, including formal union grievances and a federal lawsuit filed by SEIU.

“I’m really troubled,” said board member Michael Bileca, a healthcare executive and a Republican legislator. He said he wished that concessions to the union were based on Jackson’s performance. He’s troubled that the system still has only 12 days of cash on hand and “pent-up capital demands.”

Bileca feared that a feeling is “starting to creep in ... [that] we have arrived, we can revisit things, we can take our foot off the gas.”

Stephen Nuell, a board member and attorney, said he was concerned about some legal aspects of the settlement. He and Bileca voted no.

Lapciuc, Joaquin del Cueto, Darryl Sharpton and Mojdeh L. Khaghan voted yes.

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Survey shows strong consumer interest in BlackBerry 10, but few are willing to buy just yet

The good news for RIM (RIMM): Lots of people are interested in checking out its upcoming BlackBerry 10 platform. The bad news: Few are willing to commit to buying a BlackBerry 10 device at the moment. According to a new online survey of more than 1,100 Americans commissioned by mobile application specialist BiTE interactive and conducted by reputable pollster YouGov, 47% of Americans find “at least one of BlackBerry’s new features appealing,” although only around 13% say they’ll consider buying a BlackBerry 10 device.

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The survey found that the new Time Shift Camera, which lets users rapid-shoot multiple pictures of the same subject and then choose the best one from the bunch, was the most popular new BlackBerry feature, followed by BlackBerry 10′s new predictive keyboard. But as BiTE operations executive vice president Joseph Farrell notes, there’s a big difference between interest in new features and a commitment to spend money acquiring them. Farrell also thinks that RIM will still struggle to be relevant as long as app developers neglect BlackBerry in favor of iOS and Android.

RIM’s much anticipated BB10 launch is a major, and much needed overhaul for the one-time smartphone leader and all indications are that it has, at very least succeeded in convincing Americans to give BlackBerry a second look,” he says. “However, it is clear that while all the new features can catch the interest of Android and iOS owners, the key chink in RIM’s armor remains its apps ecosystem. RIM has made great efforts to catch up with iOS and Android in this regard, but it, like Microsoft, is likely to find this far easier said than done.”

BiTE’s full press release is posted below.

BlackBerry 10 Captures Attention of One in Two Americans

But only one in eight will actually consider buying a BB10 device

Los Angeles, January 29, 2013 – Ahead of the launch of Research in Motion’s long-anticipated BlackBerry 10 operating system and two new smartphones this week, nearly one in two Americans online (47 percent) finds at least one of BlackBerry’s new features appealing.

Despite interest in the new features only one in eight Americans (13 percent) will consider buying a BB10 device, and only one in 100 plans to get one immediately. The findings are according to a report from BiTE interactive, the native mobile application specialist for Fortune 1000 brands, which commissioned YouGov to poll the views of a representative sample of 1,127 American adults online.

Time Shift Camera wins most American hearts, especially with Android owners

RIM’s Time Shift Camera is the most compelling new BB10 feature for 16 percent of Americans. The Time Shift Camera takes multiple shots of a subject in a single picture and lets you choose the best composite image. 46 percent more women than men identify it as the most attractive new feature of BB10, while it is most appealing for one in five (21 percent) 18-34 year olds. The same age group is also the most likely to find one of the BlackBerry 10’s features appealing (66 percent). RIM’s new predictive keyboard feature is the most compelling new feature for only six percent of Americans while only one in 100 picked the new ‘flow’ interface.

The new BB10 features appeal to more Android (65 percent) than iPhone owners (56 percent).

“RIM’s much anticipated BB10 launch is a major, and much needed overhaul for the one-time smartphone leader and all indications are that it has, at very least succeeded in convincing Americans to give BlackBerry a second look,” said Joseph Farrell, EVP Operations, BiTE interactive. “However, it is clear that while all the new features can catch the interest of Android and iOS owners, the key chink in RIM’s armor remains its apps ecosystem. RIM has made great efforts to catch up with iOS and Android in this regard, but it, like Microsoft, is likely to find this far easier said than done. A lot of eyes will be on the new BlackBerry World from day one, as its success is pivotal to that of the BB10 devices as viable mainstream consumer handsets.”

iPhone owners least likely to jump to BlackBerry

According to BiTE interactive’s report, iPhone owners are the least likely to buy into BB10. Only around one in 10 (11 percent) have any interest in owning one of RIM’s new phones compared with around one in five (21 percent) Android owners. Overall, almost one in two (44 percent) Americans definitely will not get a BB10 device while a further one in four (27 percent) say they will likely not get one.

Joseph Farrell added, “RIM’s challenge is compounded by the fact that Google and Apple have already built up huge mobile user bases who, for the most part, have invested lots of time and money learning and using their platform of choice. To switch to any new platform, even between the two, means a new investment of time and resources that many do not wish to spend, let alone taking a perceived risk on the new BB10 platform, no matter how impressive some of the new technology is.”

Research methodology

BiTE interactive commissioned YouGov to poll the views of a representative sample of 1,127 US adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between January 23-25, 2013. The survey was carried out online. The figures have been weighted and are representative of all US adults (aged 18+).

This article was originally published on

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Melissa Gilbert Timothy Busfield Engaged

Fredrick M. Brown/ Astrid Stawiarz/ Getty Images

Actress Melissa Gilbert is officially off the market.

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A rep tells People that the former Dancing with the Stars contestant, 48, is engaged to former thirtysomething star Timothy Busfield, 55.

"They are engaged and both are incredibly happy," says the rep.

The couple's nuptials will mark the third "I do's" for each of them. Gilbert was previously married to Bo Brinkman and Bruce Boxleitner, while Busfield was married to Jenny Merwin and actress Radha Delamarter.

A source told People that the engagement took place over the holidays.

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B'klyn school janitor convicted of rape & sex assault for attack on eighth-grade girl

He’s going from the schoolhouse to the jailhouse.

Brooklyn janitor Ambiorix Rodriguez, 34, was convicted on multiple counts of rape and sex assault in Brooklyn Supreme Court today for having sex with an eighth-grade girl who attended the East Flatbush middle school where he worked.

The hulking Rodriguez had sex with the girl when she was 12 and 13-years-old in the basement and stairwell of the Middle School for Marketing and Legal Studies. The abuse took place between September 2010 and January 2011, according to Brooklyn prosecutors.

He was caught in 2011 after the girl reported the abuse to school officials, who called the cops.

Rodriguez faces up to life in prison when sentenced, according to the Brooklyn District Attorney’s office.

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Turnberry Isle Miami has new managing director

Hotel industry veteran Paige Koerbel is now managing director of Turnberry Isle Miami in Aventura.

A longtime employee of Marriott, Koerbel was previously general manager of Doral Golf Resort & Spa, which was a Marriott property before Donald Trump bought it last year.

Earlier jobs in his 33 years with Marriott included regional vice president of Renaissance Hotels North America and Midwest general manager for Renaissance Hotels. He started the new job Jan. 2, replacing Douglas Hustad, who left in late 2012.

Turnberry Isle Miami is part of Marriott International's Autograph Collection, a portfolio of independently owned and operated hotels.

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